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Denilson of "Arsenal" interesting "Milan" and the club of the Russian Premier League
Brazilian midfielder Denilson Pereira Neves interest of Italian "Milan" and one of the clubs in the Russian Premier League. Such information published authoritative British source of information Sky Sports.

24-year-old Denilson belongs English "Arsenal", but currently plays for Brazilian "Sao Paulo" on loan. It is reported that the agreement concluded between the "Arsenal" and "San Paolo" contract there is a clause, according to which, if desired, Londoners can cancel lease Denilson and sell him to another club.

Ronaldo set a new record in the "Real"
Portuguese winger Cristiano Ronaldo set a new record in Madrid "Real". 27-year-old Ronaldo became the first player, "Real", who managed to hit the gate Catalan "Barcelona" in four consecutive away match, the stadium "Camp Nou".

Held on August 24 "Camp Nou" first match between the "Barcelona" and "Real" for the Spanish Super Cup was won by Barça 3-2. Ronaldo played the entire game, and in the 55th minute opened the scoring.

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